10 Ways To Protect Your Home From The Dangers Of EMF Radiation


Your home should belong to you. It should be a place where you feel comfortable, a place where you can relax, and a place where you don’t have to worry about the worries of the outside world.

For those of us who are concerned about the risks of exposure to large quantities of EMF radiation, the idea of finding a place far away from built-up areas where we don’t have to worry about large-scale infrastructure (such as Mobile/WiFi Towers and power lines) as well as the everyday risks of exposure from the countless smart-devices people carry about with them, can be very appealing. That being said, it’s sadly not an option for everyone.

As populations rise and houses get smaller, population density is only going to increase, along with your exposure to EMF. Add to that the fact that more people are using more devices, and there’s no getting around the truth that the quantities of EMF radiation we’re being exposed to in built-up areas is only going to increase. That’s why today, we’re going to be taking a look at ten ways you can protect your home against EMF radiation and help keep you and your family safe!


1. Make Sure Your Wiring Is Done By A Professional

Here at WaveWall, we talk a lot about the risks of wireless devices, and we’ll continue to do so. Wireless devices are, after all, a huge contributor to most of the EMF radiation we absorb on a daily basis. With all that in mind however, you should know that they aren’t the most dangerous.

In fact, hands down the most dangerous cause of EMF radiation is faulty wiring in the home. This can happen for a variety of reasons but the main causes are as follows:

  • A poor wiring job was done before you bought the house
  • Your wiring was not done by a qualified professional/expert electrician
  • Damage caused over time as a result of weather or environment
  • Your house is quite old and national standards/expectations have changed since the wiring was initially put in

Whatever the reason, faulty wiring is a very serious issue and one that should be remedied as soon as it becomes apparent. Not only can faulty wiring be a huge source of EMF, but it’s also a serious fire hazard. If you believe any of the wiring in your house to be faulty then you should contact a qualified, reputable electrician in your area today to look things over as soon as possible.

It may be that nothing is wrong or that the faults are only minor. You can usually tell because certain power sockets aren’t working as they should, or because lights are flickering. However, these small concerns are nothing compared to the major risks posed by leaving them unattended.



2. Turn Off Devices That Don’t Need To Be Left Running


Ah yes, good old standby – that little LED that lets you know your device is ready to go when you are. You’ll find standby settings on everything from your TV to your printer, and the general principle is usually the same. Standby is designed to maximise startup time whilst minimising electricity consumption in between uses.

But here’s the thing: low consumption isn’t no consumption. Any time when your device is running, it is using a tiny amount of electricity and that can lead to a constant, steady background level of EMF. Let this build up over many devices, some of which will likely be more potent than others, and your house will be supporting a constant, if minor, rate of EMF radiation. This is nothing serious in the short term but stretched out over a number of years, it can mount up to a major problem.

Not to mention that leaving these devices running is also adding to your electricity bill. It may only seem like a few pennies but it all counts in the long run.


3. Minimise Your Usage Of ‘Wireless’ Devices

We’ve already mentioned them once, but let’s make this as clear as we possibly can – all wireless devices emit EMF. That’s how they function wirelessly.

Whether it’s Bluetooth, infrared, or WiFi, a wireless signal has to transmit something and that signal will always be a form of EMF. For that reason you should always do your best to keep your use of such devices to a minimum and, whenever possible, rely on old-fashioned, insulated wiring.


4. Think About Your Room Layout

Not all rooms are equal, this is just a fact of almost any house. Even in smaller houses, where space is a serious concern, you probably don’t spend as much time in the airing cupboard as you do in the living room.

Giving thought to which devices you put where is very important and can go a long way when it comes to minimising your EMF exposure. As a rule, keep charging ports, WiFi Routers, and other devices that don’t require constant interaction, in the room you use least.


5. Keep Devices Out Of The Bedroom

Building on the last point, you absolutely should not be charging your phone by your bed if you want to keep yourself safe from EMF radiation. In fact, if possible, you should keep devices out of the bedroom altogether.

After all, you spend many hours in the bedroom and during most of those hours, you don’t need to use your devices. As a matter of fact, using them during that time can actually cause far more harm than good as blue light exposure at the wrong hours can lead to sleep problems.

Perhaps the worst thing you could do is charge your phone on your bedside table because then it will spend all night in close proximity to your head. It’s a completely unnecessary level of exposure so long as you take a few common sense precautions and build up some good routines.

The best thing you can do is get into the habit of leaving that laptop in the living room, putting your phone on charge in the office, and letting bedtime be about bed. Not only will this lead to better sleeping patterns, but it will also give you hours of EMF-free time every day with practically no inconvenience to you.


6. Where Possible, Embed Your Wiring

Now, this is one of those jobs where it’s really useful to know someone who’s handy when it comes to building. Embedding wiring in the walls is, admittedly, quite an extreme solution, but it also comes with several benefits.

The first is that it’s more aesthetically pleasing – nobody likes to see trailing wires all over the place. The second is that it helps you to build up healthier routines. You decide where your devices should go when you install them and you don’t keep moving them about the house to suit your need for 24/7 tech.

But, of course, the most important reason to embed your wiring is that embedded wiring offers an extra layer of protection against radiation.

Although wires emit nothing like as much EMF as wireless technology, they are nonetheless a contributing factor and if you want to lower that constant, background level of radiation in your home then this is a great long-term move.


7. Monitor EMF Levels In Your Local Area

These days, checking EMF levels is easy so long as you have a good EMF meter/detector. If you’re looking to move house then investing in one should be crucial before making a decision so you can compare the levels of EMF in the local area and find a house that isn’t too exposed.

If you’re already living near a large source of EMF, it can still be good to get an idea of how much it’s emitting. Obviously, lower is always better, but understanding how much EMF you’re being exposed to due to things like telecoms infrastructure and powerlines can help you to get a sense for how much can be done in your own home to keep EMF levels down.

The sad truth is that if you live close to a very large source of EMF then the best thing you can do is move. That’s not to say this advice won’t work – it’s useful and practical advice wherever you live if you’re wanting to keep your EMF exposure to a minimum – but, at the same time, there’s only so much you can do if the council decide to build a new 5G Mobile Tower in your back garden.


8. Check All New Devices With An EMF Detector

Speaking of EMF detectors, you should also use them to check every new device you buy. Believe it or not, while handy rules of thumb can be useful, EMF levels are not always as predictable as they ought to be.

Why is this? Well, to tell the truth, we don’t know. You’d have to ask the manufacturers why their devices emit such high levels of radiation, but what we do know is that we can hold them accountable.

Whenever you purchase a new device, be it a smartphone, tablet, or an app-operated doorbell, make sure to thoroughly test it before accepting it into your home. Remember, the key here is to minimise long-term exposure, so the more devices you can replace with low EMF alternatives, the better you’re doing in the long run.

If you’ve not done so already, you should probably also check your existing devices and do some research to see which ones could be better.


9. Consider Investing In Protective Cases

Whether you’re at home or at work, one thing will always remain the same – mobile devices emit EMF. In fact, emitting EMF is essentially the job of a mobile device, and if this doesn’t cause you concern, then nothing will.

That being said, this doesn’t mean you have to throw out your phone and start using carrier pigeons. Here at WaveWall, we’ve perfected a range of EMF-protecting cases for phones and laptops that allow you to continue using your devices at home or at work whilst minimising your exposure to EMF.

Independent testing data demonstrates that using a WaveWall case can lower your SAR allowing you to live your everyday life with peace of mind.


10. Maintain A Tech-Healthy Lifestyle

Lastly, we’d like to take a moment to talk about the importance of a tech-healthy lifestyle. In the modern world, we spend a lot of time using smart devices. We’re almost always connected to the internet, sending and receiving messages, reading the news, or engaging with social media. These habits are satisfying and the technology is undoubtedly useful in the short term, but it’s important to think about what this level of screen time is doing to both your physical and mental health.

In many respects, we’ve all become irreversibly addicted to technology, but that doesn’t mean we have to be slaves to it. While EMF-dependent technology is being folded further and further into our work and home lives, that doesn’t mean we can’t get away from it once in a while.

The benefits of spending time in nature, taking walks and going outside speak for themselves, but if nothing else, taking a break from tech will lower your EMF absorption. By setting limits on yourself, and introducing new activities to get you away from your devices, you can have the best of all worlds and develop a truly tech-healthy lifestyle.

When all’s said and done, it’s impossible to entirely eliminate EMF from your life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t build a happier, healthier home for you and your family. The most important thing to remember out of all of this is to always be mindful of the technology you use. Don’t let take these devices for granted because then it can be all too easy to forget the potential damage they might be causing to you and your loved ones.

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