Study Summary and Analysis: Effect of Cell Phone Usage on Semen Analysis in Men

Study summary and analysis written by Ann E. Laubscher, M.A. This post is a summary and analysis of an independent scientific study titled “Effect of cell phone usage on semen analysis in men attending infertility clinic: an observational study“. Scientific literature provides ample evidence of the effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic waves (EMW) on various systems of…

Study Summary and Analysis: Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation from a Cellular Phone on Human Sperm Motility

Study summary and analysis written by Ann E. Laubscher, M.A. This post is a summary and analysis of an independent scientific study titled “Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation from a Cellular Phone on Human Sperm Motility: An In Vitro Study“. The potential adverse health effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) has created concern for cell phone users. While…

Study Summary and Analysis: Evidence that Electromagnetic Radiation is Genotoxic

Study summary and analysis written by Ann E. Laubscher, M.A. This post is a summary and analysis of an independent scientific study titled “Evidence that Electromagnetic Radiation is Genotoxic: The implications for the epidemiology of cancer and cardiac, neurological and reproductive effects.“. Dr. Neil Cherry, at the request of a group of members of European Parliament…

Study Summary and Analysis: Pathophysiology of Cell Phone Radiation

Study summary and analysis written by Ann E. Laubscher, M.A. This post is a summary and analysis of an independent scientific study titled “Pathophysiology of cell phone radiation: oxidative stress and carcinogenesis with focus on male reproductive system“. In addition to concerns regarding the thermal (heat) effects of cell phone use, substantial research gives evidence to…

Study Summary and Analysis: Effect of Mobile Telephones on Sperm Quality

Study summary and analysis written by Ann E. Laubscher, M.A. This post is a summary and analysis of an independent scientific study titled “Effect of mobile telephones on sperm quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis“. Cell phones emit radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMF). That means that there is a low level of electromagnetic radiation that the International…

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