What can phone radiation do to you?

Phone radiation is powerful stuff. It allows our little devices to send and receive messages from cell phone towers that can be many miles away. Maintaining this connection to the network requires a lot of effort from our phones. While it does so, what can phone radiation do to you? 

Phones emit an electromagnetic field made of phone radiation. It extends about six inches around the phone. Like many other electromagnetic frequencies it can pass through the body. It’s possible that right now multiple electromagnetic frequencies are overlapping with your own body. Phone radiation, wifi signals, television signals and more.

But what can phone radiation do to you?

Phone radiation is less like radio waves and more like an X-ray. They are all forms of electromagnetic frequency. But X-rays leave radiation behind when they pass through the body. That’s why their use is carefully restricted. So in the same way, the radiation from mobile phones can damage the body.

Cell phone radiation has been labelled as “possibly carcinogenic” by the World Health Organisation. Which means it could cause cancer in humans. There have been several cases of tumours or cancer thought to have been caused by phone radiation.

Other than cancer and tumours, what can phone radiation do to you? In many studies, phone radiation has been linked to the growing issue of male infertility. The radiation damages cells and DNA – and some very important cells and DNA sit within six inches of where many men keep their phone in their trouser pocket.

Because sperm are constantly developing they are very vulnerable. Phone radiation can cause weak, abnormal sperm that can’t get the job done. Which leads to infertility and trouble conceiving. Some scientists said exposure to mobile phone radiation is like “cooking” sperm.

What can you do about phone radiation? You can shield yourself from phone radiation using an anti-radiation phone case like WaveWall Universal. WaveWall have a range of phone radiation protection that blocks 85% of mobile phone radiation from reaching your body.

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